Total Pic Menu Builder
Total Pic Menu - universal menu builder where you can customize practically any parameter (for each button it is possible to choose a three images: "flash buttons image", "on rollover flash buttons image", "on click flash buttons image"). Parameters of the sub menu buttons can be customized independently of the main menu buttons. It takes changing only one parameter to turn a horizontal menu into a vertical one!
Flash SWF Object info
The object is a ready-to-use SWF file that you simply integrate into your HTML page. We have developed the object for users who do not have Macromedia Flash. The object cannot be controlled with ActionScript. It can set up only through an XML file.
Online demos
Total Pic Menu Builder features
* Font is included in library of fla file
(full version). It is possible to replace it with any another font.
Start Macromedia flash MX 2004 -> Open library in a fla file -> Double click on the embed pixelfont and choose any other font.
Menu propertiesMenu widthThis parameters sets the maximal width of the main and sub menus. If buttons (placed one after another) are wider than the maximal width of the menu, the last button will be moved to the next line. (If you set the maximal width to "0" you will get a vertical menu)
Menu backgroundThis parameter is the path to the menu background file. Its value may be either an external jpeg or swf (+ gif & png, if you work in the Flash 8) file path. If no name is specified, the background will not be used. If the name is incorrect, the background will not be used.
Menu rollover soundThis parameter is the path to the menu buttons rollover sound file. Its value may be either an external mp3 file path. If no name is specified, the rollover sound will not be used. If the name is incorrect, the rollover sound will not be used.
Menu style (Independent color settings for main and sub menus)Button text colors & alphaThis parameter determines the button text colors (textColor, rolloverColor, pressColor) & alpha. The color should be set in RGB in the following format: NNNNNN, where N is a hexadecimal number (0-F), alpha: N, where N is a number (0-100).
Button text shadow color & alphaThis parameter determines the button text shadow color & alpha. The color should be set in RGB in the following format: NNNNNN, where N is a hexadecimal number (0-F), alpha: N, where N is a number (0-100).
Buttons style (Independent color settings for main and sub menus)
Button heightThis parameter sets the height of the buttons.
Remains selectedThis parameter determines the selected state of the main buttons. If set to "0", the main menu button will be without selected state. If set to "1", the main menu button will be selected after click.
Button text sizeThis parameter determines the text size of the button. The text size should be set in the following format: N, where N is a number.
Button text indentThis parameter determines the text indent from sides of the button. The text indent should be set in the following format: N, where N is a number.
Drop down speedThis parameter determines the drop down speed of a submenu. Drop down speed has three values: "max", "normal", "min".
Button text shadow distanceThis parameter determines the shadow distance of a button text. The distance should be set in the following format: N, where N is a number (0-100).
Horizontal button text alignThis parameter determines the horizontal button text align. Align has three values: "left", "center", "right".
Vertical button text alignThis parameter determines the vertical button text align. Align has three values: "top", "center", "bottom".
Menu buttonsButton textThis parameter determines the button label text.
Button widthThis parameter determines the width of each button.
Button imageThis parameter points to the button image file. You can store your image files anywhere on server. But remember this path can be absolute (example: or relative to the directory with your HTML page (example: ../images/button.jpg).
Button rollover imageThis parameter points to the button rollover image file. You can store your image files anywhere on server. But remember this path can be absolute (example: or relative to the directory with your HTML page (example: ../images/button_rollover.jpg).
Button onClick imageThis parameter points to the button onClick image file. You can store your image files anywhere on server. But remember this path can be absolute (example: or relative to the directory with your HTML page (example: ../images/button_onClick.jpg).
Button actionsIf you want that the button was visible without execute any action then set it's ACTION to "".
GetUrl" opens url in target window(action - "getUrl", then url - what you open in window, target - target window).
If the object is loaded into other flash document:
loadMovie" load your file (jpeg, swf + (gif & png) if you work in the Flash 8) in target movie clip (action - "loadMovie", then url - path to file which you want to load, target - target movie clip where you want to load file).
gotoAndStop" go and stop to frame or label in target movie clip (action - "gotoAndStop", then url - frame to go or label to go, target - target movie clip where you want to execute action).
gotoAndPlay" go and play to frame or label in target movie clip (action - "gotoAndPlay", then url - frame to go or label to go, target - target movie clip where you want to execute action).
nameofyourfunction" execute your function in target movie clip and transfer parameter in it (if it is necessary) (action - "nameofyourfunction", then url - parameter which is transferred in your function, target - target movie clip where your function placed).
Button visibilityIf you want that the button was unvisible then set disable="1".
XML File Format
To prepare your object for work you need setup configuration xml file. The component settings XML file is a usual text file of the following format:
<main_menu width="615"/>
<sub_menu width="615"/>
<text Color="658185" rolloverColor="F58623" pressColor="000000" Alpha="100"/>
<text_shadow Color="658185" Alpha="40"/>
<text Color="658185" rolloverColor="F58623" pressColor="000000" Alpha="100"/>
<text_shadow Color="658185" Alpha="40"/>
<buttons_height height="20"/>
<after_click_remains_selected state="1"/>
<text_size size="8"/>
<text_indent width="5"/>
<text_shadow state="0"/>
<text_shadow_distance distance="0"/>
<horizontal_text_align align="center"/>
<vertical_text_align align="bottom"/>
<buttons_height height="20"/>
<drop_down_speed speed="min"/>
<text_size size="8"/>
<text_indent width="5"/>
<text_shadow state="0"/>
<text_shadow_distance distance="0"/>
<horizontal_text_align align="center"/>
<vertical_text_align align="bottom"/>
<bg bg_file_path="menus/menu1/bg.jpg"/>
<rollover_sound mp3source="menus/menu1/sfx.mp3" mp3volume="10"/>
<main text="buttons actions" url="your.html" target="_blank" action="" button_width="189" button="but.jpg" button_roll="but_roll.jpg" button_click="but_click.jpg" disable="0">
<sub text="loadMovie action" url="test.swf" target="_parent.test_mc.swfloader" action="loadMovie" button_width="189" button="sbut.jpg" button_roll="sbut_roll.jpg" button_click="sbut_click.jpg" disable="0"/>
<sub text="gotoAndStop action" url="30" target="_parent.test_mc" action="gotoAndStop" button_width="189" button="sbut.jpg" button_roll="sbut_roll.jpg" button_click="sbut_click.jpg" disable="0"/>
<sub text="gotoAndPlay action" url="playframe" target="_parent.test_mc" action="gotoAndPlay" button_width="189" button="sbut.jpg" button_roll="sbut_roll.jpg" button_click="sbut_click.jpg" disable="0"/>
<sub text="myFunction action" url="1000" target="_parent.test_mc" action="myFunction" button_width="189" button="sbutf.jpg" button_roll="sbutf_roll.jpg" button_click="sbutf_click.jpg" disable="0"/>
<main text="Products" url="your.html" target="_blank" action="" button_width="189" button="but.jpg" button_roll="but_roll.jpg" button_click="but_click.jpg" disable="0"/>
<main text="Services" url="your.html" target="_blank" action="" button_width="189" button="but.jpg" button_roll="but_roll.jpg" button_click="but_click.jpg" disable="0"/>
<main text="Contact Us" url="your.html" target="_blank" action="" button_width="189" button="but.jpg" button_roll="but_roll.jpg" button_click="but_click.jpg" disable="0"/>
<main text="Company" url="your.html" target="_blank" action="" button_width="189" button="but.jpg" button_roll="but_roll.jpg" button_click="but_click.jpg" disable="0"/>
Object HTML code
To start working simply paste object HTML into your page and setup xml configuration file. You can place configuration file anywhere on your server.
Paste this code into your HTML-page and replace object stage parameter with your values. (following HTML-code supports MS Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator)
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="width" height="height">
<param name="movie" value="swf file path">
<param name="quality" value="high">
<param name="scale" value="noscale">
<param name="bgcolor" value="background color">
<param name="flashVars" value="xmlURL=path to configuration file">
<embed src="swf file path" width="width" height="height" flashvars=" xmlURL=path to configuration file" quality="high" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" scale="noscale" bgcolor="background color"></embed>
Object stage parameter
WidthThis parameter controls width of flash object stage on your HTML-page. The width of the object can be different.
HeightThis parameter controls height of flash object stage on your HTML-page. The height of the object can be different.
Swf file pathThis parameter points to the object swf file. You can store your swf files anywhere on server.
Background colorThis parameter controls background color of object stage. So you can adjust its look and fee. The color should be set in RGB in the following format: #NNNNNN, where N is a hexadecimal number (0-F).
Path to the configuration fileThis parameter points to the object xml configuration file. You can store your xml files anywhere on server.
But remember this path can be absolute (example: or relative to the directory with your HTML page (example: ../config/menu01.xml).